Hi…I’m Reaper and I’m an alcoholic…what no hi back!!! Oh yeah I forgot, I cant actually hear you people. Anyway Hi I’m Reaper/Bonk/Zubat/Cole depending on what game im playing an who I’m playing with. I say what game because I play a rather wide assortment of games, From Gta 5 To Destiny 1&2…From World of Warcraft ( Yes I’m one of those nerds) to Runescape (because I am also one of those Nerds). Truth is i just love gaming. I play PC and Xbox One mainly due to the fat that I dont own a PS4 at the moment… Any way, Keeping this shortish and simple, I love to game and I joined GRG to find fellow gamers because Playing with yourself is only fun some of the time.
Welcome Reaper!
I’m on pc mainly at the moment. Be sure to get in the PC players group here on the forums. I’ve been on PUBG and Ark as of late.
The Body Farmer is my GT on xbox 1. Waiting on PUBG and COD there, although I am downloading the Fortnite battle royale.
Sounds like you will fit in.
Awesome, I personally Love Ark, I actually play on a server with some IRl Friends…As for PUBG i have it but im terrible and i have Fortnite on both PC and Xbox
Welcome to the asylum.
Thank You, Happy to be here.
approved your destiny clan app also added you to the @DestinyPlayers group
Welcome to the Community.
Lots of people playing D2 nightly.
Don’t feed the animals. They’ll just keep following you
But what if i am one of the animals, then dont we need to stick together lmao
We have an Ark server up right now. Let me know if you want the info. There is also an Ark mega thread with the server info. Message me if you want the password.
Welcome aboard.
Welcome to GRG.
I added you to my friends list and sent you an invite to our XBox GRG club.
XBox Gamer Tag: Lala Calamari
Welcome man.
We affectionately refer to ourselves as ADD nerds, so I figure you’ll be fine.
We have a Steam community group if you want to add one of the admins on there as a friend we can get you invited and you can add the others there too.
I’ll add you to PCGamers too when I get home.
Welcome to the club. Xbox tag xxxNAILBUNNYxxx
Playing Overwatch and PvP Wildlands when it drops. On a bit of a gaming lull at the moment.
Welcome to GRG! Send me a FR at JohnnyHustler on XBL and Steam.
Added you to the PCGamers group.
This thread explains the groups and their purpose.
Hi Reaper. Welcome to GRG, sounds like you’ll fit in just fine around here lol. I added you on Xbox. Been living on Destiny 2 lately but usually play a bit of everything.
Welcome to the clan reaper. Imma add you to my fl later today
Welcome to GRG Reaper