Hey, there, it's me

Hey, guys. I figured I’d give joining this community a shot. I am getting to that age when it becomes harder and harder to find people to play video games with as well as just have discussions about pop culture stuff.
I try to find some time to game every day, but with my job and family, that is hit or miss.
Looking forward to seeing what the community is all about.

I play on Xbox. My gamertag is winteragent. I have a wide range of games that I can play. Just list some of them;

COD WW2 (not going to jump to Black Ops 4)
Left for Dead 2
Vermintide 1 and 2
Battlefield 1 (and Battlefield 3… weird how the numbering goes)
Dying Light
State of Decay 2
The Division
Ghost Recon Wildlands
Red Dead Redemption (waiting eagerly for the second one)
Monster Hunter World

That covers the high points, but I’m sure there are probably some others I am missing.


Welcome. What system(s) you play on and games?

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Welcome aboard.

Welcome to GRG!

I added you to my Friends list and sent you an invite to GRG’s XBox club.

XBox GT: Lala Calamari

Thanks a lot. I appreciate that.

I don’t know if that is a good thing or not. I don’t think I am great, but am trying to improve. I came back to it after a hiatus and I think it is a lot more fun than I remember it being.

That is awesome. I’ll send you a friend request and we can join up some time.

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Welcome aboard I’ll send an invite on Xbox when I get the chance

Welcome to the asylum.

Welcome to GRG!

I’m mainly on PS4 but occasionally hop on the xbox. I’ll send you a FR.

FR sent


Like Zane, I’m mostly on my PS4 but I’ll add you on XBL for those few odd times / exclusives (Olz 2).



Welcome to GRG!