Hey there

Hey guys. I’m new here, just signed up recently. Mainly play on PC, although I was an avid COD player on PS before. Let me know what I can do to join in on the festivities.

Really interested in COD on PS4 tonight, how can I get in touch with them?

Also, how is the PC community for COD? I’m really interested in joining up for some casual COD on PC as well.


Welcome aboard.

Welcome to GRG!

We do have a good amount of people on Steam and what not.

Thanks for the quick replies guys. I’ll be back home in around an hour, and I’ll add whoever I can on PSN. If anyone wants to add me to Steam or PSN, feel free to check out my profile link for details.


If you are at all interested in Guild Wars 2… that has a big following on here.

@kaisei Welcome! The last COD I got for PC was Ghosts, but haven’t touched it in a long time. I also have Counter Strike Go and Battlefield 4. What other games do you play on PC? Also, join us on our Steam group!

@Audible_Silence Ah, I decided to skip GW2 when there was that steep sale. I do play FFXIV:ARR if anyone plays that.

@mac79pr I have CS:GO but I haven’t really touched it. COD:BO2, BF3, Garry’s Mod… Don’t really play much else even though I own a lot of games lol

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I like how @kaisei already figured out the tag system.

anything on PS4 coming out soon that you are looking forward to getting?

Unfortunately, there is nothing upcoming on the PS4 that I’m interested in atm outside of the 2 Final Fantasy series. I wish there were better games coming out, unless I’m missing something?

well its all opiinion. a lot of games are also availble on PC. I’m looking towards Battlefield Hardline, Borderlands, Toy Soldiers, planetside 2 (if ever gets outta beta… who knows) Skullgirls, Mortal Kombat X, anything Street Fighter, Batman Arkham Knight, and maybe Witcher…

doesnt mean im gonna buy all those, but till E3 they have my interest.

Haha maybe bc I’m probably going to get most of those games on PC, but I’m looking forward to most of those games as well.

Welcome to the party pal.