Hi and thanks

Hey all. Just a returning Destiny 2 player trying to get back into the swing of things. Heard about GRG from some friends and had to jump on. Looking forward to some good times. Hit me up on XBOX anytime.
Thanks again!!


Welcome aboard.

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Welcome to GRG!

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Welcome to the community

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Any other games you’re playing right now?

Destiny 2 on Xbox is still very much alive, with regular Raid and other activities on most weeks.
Feel free to start your own threads or just keep an eye out for others.
Add GRG members on XBL, so you can jump into parties or throw invites out for D2 or any other game.

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Welcome to the fam

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Not currently playing anything else. Job has me a bit busy but that can change. Looking forward to some newer games coming out later in the year. I’ll definitely keep an eye for others add members of XBL.

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OK time for fresh start with the reset. Whats going on peeps?

Welcome to GRG.

So how do I get a clan invite?

I went to send you one and found your request pending.
I just accepted it, so you should be in the GRG D2 clan now.

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Welcome to GRG!

I added you to my friends list and sent you a GRG XBox club invite.

XBox GT: Lala Calamari

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Great!! Thanks. Now to focus on not being squishy and join some groups

Welcome man just added you