Oh wait wrong group.
Anyways I am HotelBravo and I am new to GRG. I am insert appropriate age here and work in IT for a major hospital in CA. I decided to join the clan because I was tired of hearing the screams of 12 year olds who are apparently fucking a 60yr old woman every night while also doing blow. So I hope you all are a fun bunch of people where I can have a beer, or 5, and play some fun games together. I mostly play Destiny now since my schedule is crazy busy so it only allows me enough time to play 1 game once in a while. So if you are interested in running raids or goofing off in the crucible ping me on the Xbox One, GT jasonbourne722(fan of Ludlum not so much Damon).
Welcome to the group. AA is for quiters!
Yeah and my mother said to never be a quitter.
welcome to the crew
Welcome to the woodshed.
Fr sent.
Welcome to the clan!
Added to Friends list.
Welcome to GRG! I’ve added you to my friends list.
Welcome to the clan !
Welcome to the clan! Added you on XB1
welcome to the fun house