Hi there!

Audible_Silence made a post on reddit about creating an outfit for Planetside 2! That’s why I’m here! I’ve been looking for a group of gamers that is well established, mature, and can have a good time. And this website you setup is pretty awesome!

I’m really excited about the outfit system on Planetside 2 and hope we can get a huge group of people together!

NC for life!


PSN: SpiderDIce
Planetside 2: Genuwine, NC, Name: Mountains

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Welcome . On the Xbox One myself but there are quite a few members on the PS4 .

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Welcome aboard.

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Welcome! Hope you’re not dead set on the “mature” factor, as there aren’t many around here that are. Old, yes. Mature, not so much. I’m on XB1 also, but like @HAWKLANDER says, plenty of ps4 players.

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Welcome! See you on the Battlefield. Psn: Daklown4life

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What I meant to say is that we are mature as in older than 25. That’s all. Not teenagers or anything. :smile:

I’m 32 myself.

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Well you and I are close in age, some of these guys are older than baseball tho

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Haha that’s funny!

Sorry Reaper , I was born in 1960 . Baseball started long before that .


Welcome to the clan.

Thanks everyone for your welcome messages! I hope to play online with you!

Welcome Spider. Always a good time with these folks. Fairly new here myself, im on the Xbox side so I’ll see u in the forums or when u decide to come over to xbox.

Welcome to the clan!

“Olz_3_US” for PS2.

Welcome! I’m new as well and I’ve been gaming with GRG. Great group of people to game with!