
Hello all! My name in Jason. New guy on the block here. Looking forward to gaming with you guys. Always looking for cool people to game with. Just upgraded from the Xbox 360 to the Xbox One recently. Spent years on the 360. Man, what a difference! Hit me up on Xbox One GT: TheGrayBush00.

Welcome Jason! TexasReaperCrew on XB1. What games are you playing/looking forward to?

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Welcome aboard.

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Welcome to the group.

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Welcome to the clan. Xbox GT is same as is on here.

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Welcome to the Clan. I added you to my Friends list.

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I would say Black Ops 3 is the game I am most looking forward to with Battlefront as a strong 2nd!


Thank you all for the warm welcome!!

Welcome to the party

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Welcome to the clan . On the Xbox with same name/gamertag

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Welcome fellow new guy!

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