Holly Shit there is a developer that cares about their customers more than greenbacks...

This was in my copy of The Witcher 3. It is rare that you get the feeling a game company cares about the customer more than money. I thought that this was nice of them ,and the 16 free DLC doesn’t hurt no matter the size.


Nice. glad someone is not so greeddy as to milk the customer for all they are worth

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Yeah that’s cool that the dlc is free and the expansion pass may cost $25 but adds another 40-50 hours to the game so its well worth the money. Just sucks that I bought it digitally cuz I missed out on the map and stuff that comes with the actual disc

Yeah the doc is small, like skins and stuff. But still cool. Of you get the collectors edition then, I think the map, is signed by the dev team saying thank you

I bet people at Activison and EA Games are grabbing their pitchforks and building bonfires over this !!! LOL !!! Via La Revolution !!!

I also got the soundtrack to the game… thats pretty sweet…

I got that too.