Howdy doo

Well… I’m Jamey and I’m from Texas. Played video games since… hell, the intellivision and Atari. Online gaming for years. Wow for a number of years… an embarrassing number. Smh. Love my halo. Destiny is good but kind of getting stale. I like an mmo or an rpg long as they’re not turn based. I prefer action and fps games. To go over the list of games I have would take too long so just holler at me and I’ll see what I have. Enjoy playing multiplayer. Have met a few people that I’ve gamed with for years and become good friends. Hoping to find some more friends to play with. Only problem is I’m kind of a smartass… so I’m very limited on who I can hang out with lol. I’m in my 30s. Engaged. Not married yet. Her name is Rachel. She will probably be around with me as well… she has her own Xbox sitting right next to me and her tv sits next to mine also.

My gamertag is C2C BMF1500. I’ve been in 2 communities since being on Xbox. Both for a number of years. The first I joined and after a few years made rank of creator. We held about 1000 people in several squads. It was fun. Never a dull moment and always someone to play with. Then some of us left because we just wanted more of an older crowd. I thought I was done with communities but they made one and sucked me into it. Unfortunately with few people it’s not as active so I’d like to find a more active one and I came across y’all. I do work alot (at work now… training a new guy) and would love to have some friends to chill with when I get a chance to get on. Would also like to have a few of my friends join as well. I think they’d enjoy how y’all have things set up… it’s very different and refreshing. (I’m rambling because I’m sitting in the passenger sit training this guy how to drive a box truck… kinda bored. And don’t want to look at his shitty driving). If you see me on come join the party and say hi. Hang out a while. Y’all add me and as I learn y’alls gamertags I’ll add y’all as well.


Welcome to GRG. What part of Texas? That’s awesome your fiancé games with you, congrats. My wife hasn’t mastered the 2 joystick controller yet, so we just leave it at that. Glad to have you here, look forward to gaming with you.

Welcome to the community. See you on the battlefield. Got my start on the intellivision as well.

Welcome to GRG!


Welcome. Added you to my FL. GT BrambledWhiskey

Welcome to GRG fellow Texan.

Welcome. Feel free to jump in and play Ark with me.

Welcome Jamey.

There’s a number of old-timers in here and several of us have been gaming for years, so no shame.

Pretty sure we have a few smart-assed types here too. So long as you can take someone telling you to can it then I’m sure you’ll do fine here :smiley:

Added you on Xbox (Olz 2).

Check the forums for events and LFG threads, feel free to create your own too!

That’s a new euphemism.

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Welcome to GRG.

I already added you to my friends list and to our GRG XBox club. Make sure to add people back as well, and just crash parties.

Also, what games are you playing right now?

Welcome to GRG! :vulcan_salute::alien:

Added to FL I’m mainly in ESO and D2 right now…next week looks like a vanilla reset for destiny so i’m sure a bunch will be back to grinding ESO if you are looking for something not D2…this week has been a banner return to destiny week for the clan…we have been getting 2+ teams sweaty each night in IB…it really is a good time…please join us


Welcome aboard.