HWTrine68's intro piece

Hey guys,

I’ve been here for a few weeks to this point, but between a hectic work schedule and 6 week old first born, I haven’t participated at all. Hoping to change that tomorrow. With my limited time I am playing Destiny on PS4, looking to grab xenoverse and the show in the near future and anxiously awaiting battlefront 3. Other than that, I am a Pittsburgh transplant, living near DC with a wonderful wife and a hell raising daughter. Looking forward to jumping in.


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@lukimazit has Destiny along with afew others. Make a post and plan a date for agood raid.

I was also interested in the dbz game bit I think I might wait till is on sale. Have a lot to play right now

What’s your psn?

Welcome to GRG!

PSN is the same, hwtrine68

I’m waiting for the sale price as well, either that or a second hand copy at some point.


Welcome aboard.

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Welcome to the Clan!

Maybe we can fight each other. I dunno anybody else interested Ib it. Of course mortal combat x comes out soon
