If You Don't Care About Levelling up a Specific Gun in Zombies....

Black Ops Cold War boasts an extensive array of high-class guns to eradicate zombies. Here are the absolute best weapons to cause armageddon in the new Outbreak mode.

The tried and tested Zombies formula has been thrown out of the window in Black Ops Cold War Season 2 and replaced by an expansive new foray into the open. Outbreak is Treyarch’s newest take on the long-running success story and it radically deviates from anything we’ve seen before.

Whereas Warzone has lightly dipped its toes into these uncharted waters, Outbreak is a complete tonal shift away from isolated survival to full-on exploration. It’s hard to survive though if you’re not equipped with a capable killing machine that can be turned into an unstoppable force.

This quick guide will highlight a few of the absolute best weapons to allow you to survive many rounds in Outbreak.

Gallo-SA12 / H-NGM-N

cod bocw outbreak gallo

The ultimate battering ram that can quell the danger in any situation and take down bigger and stronger enemies with only a few punches of its mean 12-Gauge punches. As a semi-auto Shotgun, the Gallo SA12 can quickly reel off a series of powerful blasts with enough Stopping Power to grant yourself some freedom.

A fully Pack-a-Punched version essentially gives you a Machine Gun tank that can empty its even bigger clip into anything and drop it quickly. Whether it’s Hordes, Elites, Boss enemies, there’s simply not much that can stop the H-NGM-N.

Stoner 63 / Psychotropic Thunder

cod bocw outbreak stoner 63

If you need a bit more in reserve in case you’re dealt a substantial amount of zombies trying to Exfil for instance, then the Stoner 63 is a great option. It already boasts a meaty clip size, and that’s before you add any attachments to it.

But once you’ve managed to upgrade the Stoner 63 to its final form, then you begin to understand its true power. Its Psychotropic Thunder transformation turns it into an absolute melt machine with incredible accuracy and power. Add to this a mouthwatering clip, and Psychotropic Thunder becomes a contender for possibly the best gun in Zombies.

Krig-6 / Blitzkrig 99

cod bocw outbreak krig 6

Anyone who’s used the Krig-6 in Black Ops Cold War’s online multiplayer portion of the game will know how ridiculous this gun actually is. An absolute laser machine that can deliver great damage and accuracy with the right gear on it.

In Zombies, it can be upgraded to the Blitzkrig and become an amalgamation of the Stoner and Gallo. Its clip size isn’t as large as the Stoner and its damage doesn’t reach the heights of the Gallo, but it definitely finds a perfect balance of the two. If you feel you need a second gun to serve as a backup, then the Krig is that option.

Ray Gun / Porter’s X2 Ray Gun

cod bocw outbreak ray gun

Our final entry is a bit of a cheat one, but you can’t go wrong with a Ray Gun can you? The technology fueling this legendary gun forever remains a mystery, but who cares.

If you’re lucky enough to pull one of these from the Mystery Box, then it’s game over for most zombies, even without upgrades. If you have the resources to upgrade it to its final form, the Poter’s X2 Ray Gun, then you really should be able to go as far as you want. It literally has everything you could want from a super-duper overpowered exterminator.

If you can get your hands on one of more of the above, then your experience with Black Ops Cold War’s Outbreak mode is going to be a plesant one.

Image credits: Treyarch