I'm New!

Hello! My name is Sarah. I’m 28 and from Canada. I’m currently playing on PS4, mainly ESO right now. Always up for playing other games though, or trying some new ones.

Also a PC gamer, but since I got my PS4 I haven’t been playing it much.

Looking to find some people to game with, and just have a chill time. Feel free to add me on PSN and say hi :grin: lavender-n-love :purple_heart:


Welcome to GRG!

We have a guild on ESO but most of us got sucked into Destiny 2, COD BLOPS 4, RDR2 and soon to be Fallout 76.

I can send you a guild invite next time I’m on. I’ll also add you to the @ESOPlayers and @PlayStationPlayers groups.

FR on the way as well. PSN Is Soinzane

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Cool sounds good :grinning:

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Welcome Miss Sarah!!!
Glad to see more PS4 players joining us
FR Request on the way! PSN: Streetracer15


Welcome aboard.

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Welcome to the club. I’ll send ya a friend request here shortly psn: TwistedGunsmith

Welcome…shiny penny for the group has been destiny 2 for about 2 months but black ops, fallout and red dead seem to be popular atm…I’m Xbox but we all share the forums and discord…look forward to seeing ya around



@nonagintillion is a 29-yo Brit who shares the same first name…
She’s not on here much though.

Will add you on PSN (Olz_3).

I’m likely to finish the grind in Destiny 2 and then might move onto Fallout 76 when it releases, been somewhat enjoying the beta for it.


Welcome to GRG fellow Canuckian!

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Welcome to GRG!

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Welcome to GRG Sarah.

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One of us! One of us!


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Welcome to GRG. If you are ever back on PC look me up

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Welcome to grg

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That new Destiny expansion and RDR2 will have people addicted for a long while yet. I’m kind of thinking of trying out Red Dead again.

Looking forward to being part of the community here.

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Love meeting fellow Canadians! :grin::canada:

Oh come on? I didn’t get that treatment, I’m Canadian too, from Toronto, but maybe keep your citizenship on the down low…people here hate canucks. Right @Lala_Calamari ?