Hey everyone! Name is Brennan or Void…I like to play games. My drink of choice is either water or Dr. Pepper I don’t drink alcohol that much anymore due to uhhh well a story. Lol I play mostly on Xbox right I’m in the process of upgrading my PC,
Gamertag is VoidBlackWolf
Steam ID is VoidBlackWolf.
Welcome to the asylum.
Welcome! What games are you playing?
Honestly I’m down for just about anything. Right now I’m playing Warzone, trying to get better. Tired getting clapped by some camper hiding behind a door then getting teabagged… embarrassing lol
Welcome to the community good to have you. Plenty of Cod players about thats for sure. Tomorrow is community night as well and they usually run some custom matches with the clan having around 12 people on average show up for that so be sure to join in.
That sounds really fun but unfortunately I work 3rd shift, it pays the bills lol I’m usually on in the mornings and weekends.
Welcome to GRG
GT is beers and leafs on the XBone
No worries plenty of people play throughout the day and definitely on the weekends
welcome hmu if ever you are looking at destiny on xbox or pc
Welcome to GRG!
I added you to my XBox Friends list as well as sent you a GRG XBox club invite.
XBox GT: Lala Calamari
It looks like someone already added you to the @codplayers group.
Make sure to swing by tonight for our Weekly Community Night as well. We run Custom games. Just join in on one of us. It’s laid back, just for shits and giggles.
Welcome to GRG
I’m not just a pretty face over here.