Interest in having Jackbox party nights

I was wondering if there would be enough interest in having nights where we get together to play Jackbox party games. It seems like a given as the games cater to the humor of this group. This would be a good way to break the console divide as well because all that it requires is a cell phone, tablet, or pc to play; a way to watch the stream; a discord room to berate each other in, One person to stream the game and only the person hosting/streaming has to own the game. It should be relatively easy to run since we have access to all the things required, just need people to play.

TL;DR version: I am willing to host GRG Jackbox nights on my Mixer channel if there is interest.

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What kind of delay does Mixer have?

Speaking from experience as a participant, having much delay at all on the stream is frustrating.

My wife and I tried to participate in one of these. I don’t recall which exact game it was but the web site for the participants just had four buttons on it. By the time the actual question showed up on the stream, we had about two seconds to read it and make our selection.

Less than a second delay, it’s called FTL or subsecond delay

I am hoping Superfight gets mixer integration. Because it’s only playable on twitch and twitch has a huge delay at times

I have played numerous games of jackbox on Mixer with different streamers with no problems

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It works well on both services, and is pretty popular on Twitch as well. The main thing people have trouble with at first is remembering to pay attention to their device they sign into Jackbox through rather than the stream to keep up with the game when playing along.

Another type of game I’d like to try this on is the Playstation games coming out that allow interaction from others, like Hidden Agenda.

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Good idea.
I have Jackbox Party Pack and Jackbox Party Pack 2 on PS4 and Steam too - be happy to host this some nights if there is interest.

Only annoyance with the PS games is that you have to download individual apps for each game…

I have JB3 on steam but will gladly grab JB4 on sale if there is interest

I vote for Drawful