Intro utkstryker

Hi guys, I’m Kyle. I’m 25 years old living in Montgomery, AL (mostly against my will). No wife, no kids, work as an Ops Manager of an auto auction facility. Found the clan via /r/fireteams on Reddit. The only GRG game I play is Destiny on Xbox One. I’m on Destiny, at least for a short time, daily. I’ve cleared almost all content minus HM VoG and Crota’s End. My gamertag is utkstryker, so add me or if you see me on, drop me a message/invite.

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Welcome to the group.

Welcome to GRG. Added to friends list.

Welcome to the clan!

Added to friends list.

welcome to the clan. any games you are looking forward to?

I’m rarely an early adopter of games, but Evolve has really peaked my interest. I’ll be playing Destiny at least through HoW. I got Halo: MCC at the same time as Destiny, so that’s next on my list along with replaying FF VIII that I got during the Playstation Classics sale Sony just had.

theres a few guys with Halo on here also, althoguhi think everyone is still play COD and Destiny for the most part.

My copy of Halo MCC is currently being used as a coaster since they can’t seem to fix it.

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Got a PS3, but the Black Friday deals on the XB1 were way too good to pick the PS4 over it.

Welcome, I’ve added you.

Welcome to the clan. I’ve added you on XBL