Introducing LoveMD, newer ps2 on ps4 player

My psn is LoveMD and I am a very mediocre and rarely sober ps2 player on ps4. Think I am rank 19 but still getting the hang of the game and strategy because I am not very smart and drink alot. Glad to be here, seems like a good thing here so looking forward to teaming up and learning a thing or two. I also play battlefield, but havent in awhile as Im liking ps2. Anyway, looking to join this outfit. Let me know if I need to do anything to do so. Cheers

My PS2 name is ScottyM906


Welcome to the clan! PSN:Daklown4life
@Audible_Silence is always on PS2 with some others. Also i’m getting a BF4 group together on 8/28

Welcome to GRG

Fucking @Karas coming out of the woodwork :wink:

Anywho LoveMD, welcome to the group! I sent you an Outfit request last night, not sure if you received it. Make sure to check your notifications. If not, no biggie. I’ll be on tonight, and I’m sure @Audible_Silence will too.

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Welcome Homie! PSN: DuvalFunk

Welcome to GRG