
Hey guys and gals, thanks for having me. My name is Dustin, I live in Birmingham, Alabama (yes roll tide I know) and am 26 years old. I’m getting married in February to an amazing woman, and am a bartender. That’s about it for me. My drink of choice is a nice craft beer. I don’t have a favorite necessarily, cause I just love pretty much any and all beer. I drink it a bit. Anyways, that’s about it.


Welcome crit.

What platforms do you play on?
Just Steam?

What games do you normally play?

Birmingham :grinning:
Alabama :frowning:

Congrats on the upcoming wedding!

Welcome aboard.

Added you to the PCGamers group.

Also, we have a Steam group (Grim Reaper Gamers), send one of the admins a friend request and they can add you to the group.

We are also in Discord if you use that and want to chat to some of the members.

Welcome to the club.

Welcome to the asylum.

Welcome to GRG



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Oh yeah, I’m not the youngest here anymore.

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HA! That’s really funny, but its funny because my dad is probably my best friend, so I will definitely get along with the older crowd here.

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I game on my PC, I do have a PS4, but dont use it anymore.
I dont do JUST steam stuff, but most of the things I am currently playing are steam.

I usually play PUBG, LoL, OW, and GTAV.

Thanks for the congrats!


Welcome to GRG!

Welcome to GRG! Congrats on the upcoming wedding! Send a FR my way - JohnnyHustler on Steam.

Welcome. Glad to see you sign up. Enjoyed playing some PUBG with you. Congrats on the wedding and see you around.

Welcome to GRG!

That is generous.

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Welcome to GRG

Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome. Ich hoffe, Sie haben Spaß mit unserer kleinen Bande degeneriert! Dein Zug am Gloryhole beginnt jetzt.

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