Is AMD making the processor for the Nintendo NX?

Venture Beat seems to think so.

So, will the NX matter? Does Iwata’s death change the course of what the NX will be?

If its a handheld/console combo it’ll work.

example, the wii U pad, or Vita that can hook up to the TV, but is still portable. If it’s an actual console, i dunno how they can turn things around. it would have to be on par or better than the other consoles, use a twin joystick controller similar to sony and MS and HAVE- HAVE-HAVE to get 3rd party support. Without the CODs and the Assassins creeds, the console will be another wii U.

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They have the right controller if they go traditional console route. The Pro controller for the Wii U is as good as the XB1 controller, but badly underutilized.

3rd party support is the key, and it would help to have some of the heavy hitters besides Mario at Launch (coughZeldacough) so the user base will be there for the 3rd party publishers.