It's one week till One goodness

Hey, everyone! Just incase you haven’t heard there is a new game for the One! IT’S FREE TOO!!! It’s called World of Tanks. It comes out next Tuesday! While you can’t shoot people in the face, you can shoot them in their ammo rack! IT’S FREE MOFOs TRY TI! IT"LL GET YOU DRUNK! (if you don’t get the reference then down load it for FREE, you still won’t get the reference but youll get to play the game)

Oh and PS guys… you can go cry in the corner with planetside of someshit y’all hipsters are playing!

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you have just tanks, we get planes, tanks, APCs… yeah im pretty happy.

“You’ll be fucking fat bitches in no time!”

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Just want to say the World of Tanks is one of the most popular online " Free -to-play " games ever to hit the PC and is the #1 on the Xbox 360 . The number of people who play staggering .

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less than 48 hours! install it now = get a free tank!