You should be in now.
Can you throw me one por favor.
I could use one too.
@Xionergy and @APMech12 I am trying to send out an invite but this game is being 100% fucktarded. Coders must be GRG Staff members or something. I type in your Gamer Tags, click send invite. Nothing.
invites sent.
Thanks I’ll look for it when I jump on later. That’s if xbl let’s me.
I used my GRG clout with Microsoft to deny you service.
Can you send Rigwit an invite? I know I’ve been MIA for a really long time lol, but I’m trying to get into everything again
What platform are you on currently? And what is your gamer tag if XBox? If not, what is your Activision ID?
PC, I found out last night that it is actually Rigwit#3682843.
Invite please!
Activision tag = Badplayer#11910.
COD MW Tag = Badplayer#1144551
I’ll do it today
Can i get a regiment invite? Thank you
If Lala didn’t do this already, I’ll do it tonight.