Just applied on the Xbox

Gamer tag: evil m1ke

Figured I should finally ACTUALLY join GRG on D2, since you guys are active. Got a buddy or two that I’ll also send this way too (GTs are GRIMGUTT and Deathcythe02, athough the latter doesn’t have internet right now so it’ll be a bit for him).

I still haven’t run Spire of Stars or Prestige Leviathan if anyone would want to do that with me too.


We are also active in ESO, and every other shiny penny that falls on the floor.
Welcome to the group.
I’ll send a FR.

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Thanks. I’ve actually been in GRG for a while and have a few of you guys on my friends list (I was an old 2old2play guy before the split).

I’ll look for the FR!

Sent you an invite for our larger/active D2 clan, you applied to the smaller/inactive one.

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Awesome!! Thanks!! Good to be in an active clan again :slight_smile:

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Go ahead and add RuttedClown, I do dabble in D2 and it would be nice to have someone to talk to…(besides wanting to rage at every other 6 man using Vwing/GL/Last Hope and staying in a cluster.)

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Thanks all! Would you mind accepting my friend GRIMGUTT to the clan? He’s an active D2 player

We usually only accept GRG members into our in-game clans.
So, if they sign up as a member of GRG then we can add them to the D2 clan.

Yea let grimmutt know to put in an app…we will get him in before we hit the cap

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I pinged him and let him know. Thanks guys!

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Just signed up and though I would post and say hello. My buddy evil mike told me to sign up and give it a try.