Kevin Smith is bringing Mallrats to television

After directing two episodes of The Flash for The CW this past season, director Kevin Smith said he’s caught the bug for making TV and is bringing back the characters from Mallrats in a new series.

I dunno how i feel about this… i think it would make a great series… and i think he would be a better television director than movie… but how would a continuation work… i feel like it would have to be a reboot…

He did a Clerks Cartoon series and was canceled as soon as it begin. I thought the cartoon was hilarious though.

IIRC correctly from the commentary, Disney, who own ABC, greenlighted it blind since it was on Miramax and was way popular with the kids. Keep in mind Clerks was sort of a turning point for extreme humor in movies.

Someone saw what they had at the last minute and killed it. They aired two episodes in the wrong order and then ditched it.

I’m pretty sure the first episode they showed was the clip show episode that supposed to be the second episode pulling all its clips from the first. That was a weird enough but even weirder when it’s flashing back to something that never aired!

I loved that show. “Oh, no! Bear is driving car!”

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That show was hilarious. But I watched it on netflix

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Nor have I." Ha ha ha ha. You dumb bastard. It’s not a schooner… it’s a Sailboat."
“A schooner IS a sailboat stupid head!”
“There is NO Easter Bunny! Over there, that’s just a guy in a suit!”