Killer Destiny inventory manager app

You will never have to visit the vault again. This app allows you to move items between all your characters or move things from your inventory straight to your vault. Also it’s good for taking screenshots of all your loot

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Very nice. I recently reinstalled Destiny Companion app, and I love it. How does this compare to it? AFAIK, you can do all the same things in both apps

It is more fluid to me I use both but use this solely for management. Bungee takes their app down from time to time. I usually just keep this up on my phone or tablet while I play and switch things around as needed

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Nice. I’ll check this out and cuss you when I don’t like it :+1:t3:

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This sounds awesome!!! Haven’t had a chance to check it out thoroughly yet

Does no-one else use the DIM Chrome extension?

I thought I was the last person to hear of DIM…

You are definitely not, as you put me on it.

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I do not have one Telesto nor a LoW…

I do have four 4th Horsemans though.
I had loads more dupes until I melted all my Y1 exotic weapons.