Last wish raid 10/28

Looking to put together a raid for Sunday evening, if you’re interested, sign up here




What time would you be shooting for so sign ups know if they can attend or not?

…and good luck!

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Depending on the start/end time I’m interested.

interested as well but what are the deets?

If I’m around I’m game

Probably around 6-7 PDT

I am in for a couple of hours if we can start at 9 est.

That works for me, it’s about the same time. So 9 est then??

I’m in. Put me down for a slot. 590ish hunter.

I working on it here for tonight but Sunday’s are the worst…getting kids to bed early and ready for tomorrow…I’m trying but if you have 6 before I get there…I’ll see y’all next time

Haven’t even got a party going yet, not sure if many people are interested in doing the raid tonight anyways but we’ll see

Sorry I wasn’t on. Wound up having to do some last minute planning for Halloween and Thanksgiving with some folks. I still haven’t done The Last Wish yet and would love to run it with clan members at some point.

Sorry, still not feeling well and fell asleep at 10pm…1st night with no destiny in…well a while, sorry mage