LFG Monday Night Madness 9/25

Let’s the get the LFG thread going. Who’s playing what? And who wants to group up?

I’ll be on Destiny tonight but unsure wtf I want to do. Not sure I’m mentally prepared to raid just yet but can be talked into it. I’d be up for some Crucible action or co-oping a new toon (warlock is a whooping Level 2 and at the farm).

I’ll be playing a plethora of games. If you catch me on one send a invite.

Forza 5,6, or Horizon 3
NBA 2k18
Madden 18
Destiny 2
Project Cars 2

I’ll be bouncing around. Catch me if you can.

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PC Warframe.

You spelled “Destiny Clone” wrong.

Actually, Warframe came first.

Everyone in the clan except me abandoned it for Destiny anyway.

Cowboys play tonight, so once they have the W in hand I’ll probably jump on Destiny. Level 17 now, bitches

I’m a 15. And done with even the Cowboys so I’ll be on before that more then likely

I should be on D2 tonight around 9pm on XB1. Looking to run the nightfall if anyone is down.


I need to run the Nightfall as well.
Should be on around 9 ET

I will be on Destiny. We have a checkpoint in the raid at the third level, Guantlet. If anyone wants to give it a try I would try it again. If you watch any of the video’s it will help with the mechanics. @BrambledWhiskey @BalekFekete @mnvikesfan @MR_DELIVERANCE @ezekielJP @shortbus. We had a few others cycle in and out.

I’d be down the first thing I did after we got off is watch a strategy video, I found a different way of doing it that might be easier.

I’ll be on for some D2, up for NF, Crucible, The Raid, I have a new Warlock to level up also.

I’ll be on PSN. Destiny 2 or Project Cars 2

What the heck Sniper_T1? Didn’t you forget to mention the A-Hole who named the B-Hole? Your favorite bestie from the Beast pillar? I’m just plain offended. No but seriously, I’m glad you made this list. I couldn’t remember who was all in that party. I swear that group might be the funniest group of people I have partied with in… well all year… maybe in years. You people had me hurting at some points. “WE’LL DO IT LIVE!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy-Y3HJNU_s

Oh yeah, also too… I’ll be on Destiny tonight. Drag me into a party. I’m down like a clown with a frown in the sewer. We all float down here.

I knew I missed someone. The Beast Pillar and the Axe Pillar, side by side. My wife kept yelling downstairs to stop laughing so loud. It was a funny group. We should have streamed it.

I’ll be on in an hour or so ready to give the raid another shot or nightfall. I got some nice stuff from the engrams my light level went up a bit.

I’m chillin in orbit for a while. Trying to put a fireteam together to do … well anything. I’ll grind public events if that is what you wanna do. Just hit me up.