What is on your list to play today/tonight?
I am hoping to be at the back of the line racing tonight.
What is on your list to play today/tonight?
I am hoping to be at the back of the line racing tonight.
I probably will be racing as well in Forza 7. I’d like to raid in Destiny but I have to get up pretty early Sunday.
Well, I’ve been working OT all day today and if my wife doesn’t have plans for me or us, then I may be on tonight for some D2 after 9.est.
I’ll be on D2 looking for a fire team most of the night. Either high LL strikes/raids or lower alt work…I’m game.
I’ll be on D2 around 9pm ET and happy to do Strikes/Crucible/PvE stuff
I’ll probably throw some destiny on for a bit. Just finished story so I need to LL up a bit so I can raid with @Lala_Calamari
Destiny 2 on PS4, late night on west coast. Might try Nightfall or Raid for 1st time, 273 light.