LFG weekend - The Division 2 - 3/29-3/31

Incoming alert on S.H.D emergency channel Agent requesting backup

Alright Agents of GRG, let’s get some squads going throughout the weekend and roam the streets of DC in packs.

I’ll be on most of the weekend and will have a party open on the PS4, so feel free to join. I’ll be on tonight to kick this off around 7PM Eastern.

Any Xbox or PC players that will be on let others know when and squad up.

@DivisionPlayers @PCGamers @PlayStationPlayers

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Ill be on with ya if we get enough ill start another party. Hell being friday might have some dinks with the div tonight been awhile since i had a nice strong drink

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How many [XBOX] players are out there? I’ll be on some tonight starting at 6PM Eastern. Send me an invite @KillerDuck03.

My weekend to-do’s:

  • Alert Lv3 control points
  • Hunter masks
  • Invaded strongholds

@XboxPlayers doesn’t exist? Maybe I should have gotten the game on PS4 :frowning: . I only picked Xbox because it’s what I had Division 1 on and I was game sharing it with my brother (who hasn’t played since unlocking Theater settlement)…

The Xbox clan is pretty full but I don’t know how active it actually is or who in there reads the website.

There is quite a few active on the Xbox side. @Lala_Calamari @Grex @shortbus @APMech12 @SoulTerror are all on Xbox I think


Xbox side is pretty active


I’ve added you to my FL. There are at least six of us on at any given time at all different levels of completion. If you see me on don’t be afraid to drop in.


FR sent. I’m only level 10 atm


If you see RuttedClown in The Division 2, hit me up. I’m always down to help people out through missions or whatever you might need.


I added @LudwigVonTokkenTakke and @KillerDuck03 to my FL. GT is YggBjorn