ADD Hype…Getting ready to run a few matches in Overwatch, hop to Paladins for a few just to say i played it lol, and then closing off my MP sessions with some leveling in Marvel Heroes Omega.
Anyone interested in any of the 3, fill free to hit me up on the XB1 or here on the forums.
X-Box 1 GamerTag: GhstWlkrs
I’m off and on OW throughout the day. I’ll try to hit you up until the gf nags me to do chores
Overwatch down…Paladins coming up next
BBQ just arrived. Needs to be cleaned up from sitting in storage. I’ll be back on later. I’m going to eat well tonight!
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Alright alright…So maybe I am liking paladins just alittle. Found my dwarf and figured out these card loadouts…put together my first build and was rocking the best front line position in every match along with @Capnsadiq . Taking a break for bout 15min and then kciking off Marvel Heroes Omega
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I’m on PlayStation, so can’t play with you. I saw your post earlier, and just gave Marvel Omega a try. Fun for the first couple missions. Looks like character progression is reasonable.
Got Paladins running again…3 in party…still room right now for any interested. @Lala_Calamari