List of names for those not using their tags in Ark.

Ok, to help with confusion for newer players (and me), let’s list our names in Ark if they’re different than our GT.

I use Johnny in Ark, so mine isn’t far off.

I am Buttmunch.

It asks for a name when you set your character. I think it’s because you have a different one for each server you play on.

Mine is Brady

Dig = Po Tato
Savage = Sticky Nannerz
WildWade = Wildman
CaptainPeeJ = PJ
DAS = Das Tupidwan
Cridlander = Crid
TexasReapercrew = ReaperCrew
Ghstwlkrs = EnyoBellona
Rlile = Richard
ZombieSweeper = Zombie
TheBatMel = Melody
Bunny = Maddi
Partyin on u = Brady
Sjam = Jammer
Claude = Cru Jones

The rest are using their gamertags so far.


I almost went with UniversalNut72

Cru Jones


Mine is Jiggles