Load out!

Hi All!,

Looking forward to playing and hanging out with like minded people. A short little intro about me,aside from my biography in my profile. 35 yrs old living in Eastern Canada, and online during the day.

I only play on PS4 now, and actively playing only Division 2 currently.



Welcome to GRG!

Welcome to the community. got a bunch playing Div2 at the moment. Desperately trying to get past boomer.

Welcome to GRG!

I’ll get you an invite to the Div 2 clan sent out this evening and add you on PSN. There should be quite a few of us on tonight running around DC for community night.

@PlayStationPlayers @DivisionPlayers get him on your friends list!

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Welcome bud.
Will add you on PSN, though I admit I don’t play Div2.

Look @beers_and_leafs, we found you a friend.

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Welcome to GRG.

We’re just slowly building up for the takeover @unobtainaballs

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It’s a slow build, eh.

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see you guys online tonight. Ive been messing around today. I am on during the day also m-f

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Welcome to GRG!

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Welcome aboard

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Welcome welcome! See you running around DC!

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Welcome to the club man ill shoot ya a fr on pan here soon catch ya in the city

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Welcome to the clan, alot of people blame canada, me personally, i blame cocaine, alcohol, and strippers (aka skittles) had to taste the raindow…

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And roofies, dont forget about the roofies.


Roofies are for amateurs, a skilled person would know how to mix chlorine and bleach properly at the right temperature to make chloroform

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Could I get that recipe? Asking for a friend :lying_face:

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