I Can’t wait for this game. I used to play a mad max game on sega genisis at a friends house. i remember it being fun but who knows, that was a long time ago. i wanna drive in this car and kill people. fuck yeah.
While certain resources are scarce, Avalanche wants to make sure
others, such as fuel, can easily be found. "We want resources to be
scarce, but we also want a car game, we want to drive a lot and so on.
So gas can’t be super scarce, because otherwise it would be a walking
game instead of a driving game,” said Emil Krafting, senior game
As far as moment-to-moment gameplay goes, the on-foot combat is
similar to that seen in the Batman Arkham series, in that it’s based on
rhythmic button presses, counter-attacks, and rolling away to dodge.
The Garage can be accessed from the game’s menu, allowing you to
upgrade the Magnum Opus on the fly. Garages were initially scattered
across the map, but Avalanche found it interfered with gameplay. From
the menu, you’ll be able to customize engines, armor, ramming grills,
defensive spikes, exhaust systems, and more – all of which containing
their own upgrade paths.
Lastly, you’ll meet Max’s companion, Chumbucket, fairly early on in
the story. Chum, a skilled mechanic, rides along in the Magnum Opus, and
wields a harpoon gun, which can be upgraded to yank enemies off tires,
pull people from driver seats, or impale enemies on-foot.
Earlier today, Avalanche and publisher Warner Bros. revealed Mad Max will be coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 1 in North America and September 4 in the UK.