Memorial Day Weekend Plans & Remembrance

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all and to all fellow Vets.

Whats your plans, how do you plan on remembering or enjoying your weekend?

Have a Veteran family or friend…Post up and tell something about them. Pictures and stories welcome.

Here is one of my pics:

This is me and my crew during a deployment. Took those slimy polywogs that were untrained and never been out to sea and got them right. By the end of the deployment, those sailors were doing everything right and working as a team. One of my proudest moments in the service.


I will be thinking about both my grandfathers. One was a tail gunner on a bomber in WW2. They got shot down a few times and he just kept going back up. My other grandfather was in the Army in Vietnam. He died over there but from a heart attack at the end of the war.

I also will be gaming like a mofo. SOD2, GTA Online(xbox), Modded GTA 5 (PC), maybe even some Yakuza 0 and 1.

I want to think all our service members for what you do. With out you guys we probably wouldn’t have the luxury of being able to sit at home, drink beer, and play video games. Cheers :beers:


Grandfather was in the Air Force and my Father In Law was in the Army.

For me this weekend I am all over the place. Graduation takes place on campus Saturday so that will be a busy day. Sunday we have a block party at some of the houses on campus to celebrate the students being gone and then Monday we are doing our tradition and hanging out with our old neighbors after going to the Memorial Parade where my youngest marches with the band.


I don’t have any immediate family who have served but I will be remembering and thanking all service members; active or inactive, alive or deceased. I do have many friends and even some distant relatives who have or are serving in some fashion so many thanks to them and to any service member for putting their lives on the line.

For me this weekend I will likely be hanging out and gaming it up as usual.

For any GRG member who is or has served, thank you for your service!


I’ll be rememing my brother he was KIA April 3 2012. One of the reasons I left the service myself. Memorial day holds a special place in my heart. I did get the honor and privilege of bringing him home.


Grandfather and 3 uncles all made it back from WW2…Thank you all and your families for your service. True heroes all.

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