Mercy rule

There was a discussion when we were playing last night about the Destiny 2 mercy rule.

Short version @ixL0N3W0LFxi, @BrambledWhiskey, @ezekielJP and I (you guys let me know if I have the team wrong) were in crucible last week before iron banner and for 2 different matches we heard Shaxx say “I’ve seen enough! I’m calling this one.” and gave our team a win. It was awesome!

Our question was what does it take to get the mercy rule:
The best answer I’ve come up with is:
“if the ‘ahead’ team got to 60% of the total points needed to win, before the ‘behind’ team got to 20% of the score needed to win would force the mercy rule.”

So if the score was to 100 if the score was 60-19 mercy would be activated, but 59-20 would force the game to finish out, no matter how badly the losing team is doing

For our purposes most games are to 50, so if we get to 30 before the other team gets to 10…I think the mercy rules triggers. I originally thought there was a match time component but find no support for that.

Anyone else have any data on this?

No idea.
Pretty sure they changed it since D1 and they might even have changed it during the lifetime of D2.

There’s so many things like this that they never explain, I usually look to Reddit and see if someone ever bothered to work it out or crowdsource the answer.

In the Bungie forums and on Reddit they seem to suggest:
“Mercy only triggers at a 60-10 split.” and appears to be mostly seen in Competitive.

Also found this :
"Yeah it’s different now in D2, in D1 it was (other than supremacy i believe) if the ‘ahead’ team got to 60% of the total points needed to win, before the ‘behind’ team got to 20% of the score needed to win would force the mercy rule.

So if the score was to 100 if the score was 60-19 mercy would be activated, but 59-20 would force the game to finish out, no matter how badly the losing team is doing"

If you hit 45 points before the opposing team hits 15 it will mercy them.