One of the main reasons that I want a PS4…I may be moving my sons PS4 to the livingroom for a bit.
im not a baseball fan in the slightest but i see a lot of ppl get PS4s just for this game. is it really that good?
It is the main reason I want a PS4. Miss that game.
Played and loved 2014. 2015 is a no brainer
Best baseball game made.
If you don’t like baseball don’t touch it.
Best to play best for simulation is Out of the Park.
Xbox One needs a baseball game. I’m not buying a PS4 just for that. I do miss it though.
MLB 15 The Show has two new trailers for us. The first tracks them as they go on the road to both Arizona and Florida for spring training.
We drove the MLB 15 The Show Bus to the Cactus and Grapefruit Leagues in order to show off this year’s game to six of our favorite players: Yasiel “Wild Horse” Puig, Hunter “Captain Underpants” Pence, Eric “The Hos” Hosmer, Russell “The Muscle” Martin, Andrew “Cutch” McCutchen, and Adam “Stay Hungry” Jones.The second video highlights the changes being made to Diamond Dynasty mode as its pared down to concentrate on the essentials.
Since its debut in MLB 12 The Show, the Diamond Dynasty mode has offered franchise fans a twist on how they can usually interact with their favorite MLB players in a baseball game. Baseball cards are so intrinsically at the heart of the sport and its amazing history and tradition, so it always made sense to incorporate that way of appreciating the sport into The Show. It’s a nice complement to Franchise and Road to the Show modes, since the strategy of building your team (and that thrill of a rare player card!) is a wholly different experience from in-game action.
MLB 15: The Show is due out on March 31st for PS3, PS4, and Vita.
Me too! Just got my PC though so there’s no shot in hell that I will be getting a PS4 anytime soon. I just miss having a solid baseball game to play.