MLB The Show review and other baseball options

So damn…it really seems that baseball fans are really screwed in their options for game choice. Now I am not a huge sports fan and couldnt really tell ya one team from another. But I do enjoy playing some sports games from time to time. After listening/reading a conversation about RBI 18, I figured I would check out the baseball scene…right off the bat…MLB The Show looked like where a sports game fan should go…problem discovered that many of you probably already know…PS4 exclusive…well damn…but hey…there is a nice review for any PS4 players.

I kept looking beyond that, and even was trying to find a review for RBI 18…only to discover that my source for reviews, IGN, doesnt seem to ever reviewed any RBI games… but luckly Gamespot had some “which baseball game is for you” article.

So just figured I would share all that I found. All in all…brand loyalty definitely has it’s sacrifices.


Xbox One needs a “real” baseball game, and I say it again about this time each year. It’s ridiculous


After playing The Show, I’m glad I bought the boys a PS4 for Christmas. Now I just wish I didn’t suck so bad at it.

i mean The Show is accessible to us pc/ xboxers, it just costs $460…