Modern Warfare 2 Remaster petition reaches 90,000 signatures

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source: Modern Warfare 2 Remaster petition reaches 90,000 signatures | GamesRadar+

Revolution? Innovation? Ambient cubemaps? New, transformative kinds of games burned onto our retinas from our new-generation consoles? Not so much… It turns out that’s not what everyone wants, if over 90,000 people are to believed. A petition is currently live on for a remastered version of 2009’s Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

The petition states that Modern Warfare 2 on last-gen consoles has been overrun with hackers and deserves a remaster to fix the problems. It’s looking for 150,000 signatures before sending a letter on to Activision.

With over 15,000 signatures gained since last night, it might not be too long before the petition reaches its goal. With all the recent remasters on PS4 and Xbox One, is something like Modern Warfare 2 prime material for a lick of paint? Or is this a franchise that should be looking forward instead of back? And why the hell isn’t there a proper petition for the original (and far superior) Modern Warfare instead?

I don’t know. It was probably my favorite CoD Title to date but I think we all moved on from that style of game.

I wouldn’t want to pay $60 for it.

I wouldn’t pay $10 for it.

I’m still wondering what there is to “remaster”. The game was already in HD when it came out. Plus, it won’t be the InfinityWard of old behind this.

I’d pay 30 for a remastered version for the One.

It’s just going to be a port.

And backwards compatibility with XBL / arcade games.


It could at least make us a hot toasty sandwich and a cold drink while we sit in lobbies, hang at the dashboard, and attempt to see what friends are playing.


I totally enjoy that it isn’t quick anymore to see an achievement. Why would I ever want to quickly view that?


Nobody cares about mw2… they just want the bugs fixed. … woopty doo… there’s nothing to remaster.

Only thing that should be remastered are exclusives. Ppl like me that didn’t have a ps3 but now have ps4… I missed out on a lot of games.

Xbox- meant for entertainment that can also play games.
PlayStation - machine for core gamers :smiley:

MW 2 is still being played by more people then MW3 and ghosts, and if it was fixed and redone for the one I’d be playing it too. Easily one of the best ones in the series.

I know people hated MW3 but I thought that was the most balanced CoD. MW1 was the game changer but MW2 was the most fun. We had a blast playing that.

I don’t think I played MW2, started playing Cod with Black Ops 1

hm, i’d have to play it again… i feel like there is nastalgia playing into the thought of the game being so great. my friends and I didnt play MW2 as much as MW1.