Mohawk Viking - Just Joined

Hey guys, I just joined and I’m looking forward to playing with you guys. I’m on Xbox One as Mohawk Viking. Add me and lets play something!

Welcome to the group! TexasReaperCrew on XB1. What games are you playing and looking forward to?

Welcome to the Clan! Added you to my Friends list.

XB1 GT - Lala Calamari

I’ve been playing Destiny quite a bit. I’m looking forward to The Taken King, Halo 5, Black Ops 3, and pretty much everything else.

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Welcome to the community!

Welcome to the Asylum.

Welcome to GRG.
Xbone GT: The Body Farmer

Welcome to the clan – Xbox Tag is HAWKLANDER

welcome to the party!!


Welcome!! GT: TheGrayBush00

Welcome homie! GT: DuvalFunk

Welcome. The Glory Hole is around the corner, first door on your left. Ask for Gunny. Tell him you want the Tuttle special.

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Oh hi

Welcome aboard the short bus, destination hi jinx and fuckery.

Welcome… GT beers and leafs

Welcome to GRG. FR Sent!

welcome FR sent