Monday night = raid night?

How would everyone feel about having a dedicated raid night? Im thinking mondays as itwill give you all week to get everything else done you need and we can group up relax and go weapon hunting? Let me know what yallthink.


maybe put it on the calender?


bored much?

I’m down.

sounds good. we have some new guys who would like get in on some raids.

starting at 9 central time. we are gonna raid! Start with some Crota and end up with some VoG. If you need a raid party hit me up! If i am in a raid ill still get back with you. if we can we will run two at a time and have races!

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Always liked the idea of races.

A Crota NM or hard?

Some guys would like a chance at getting Crota primaries so I would suggest we try HM.

Do as the man says and make an event.

Grex has spoken

can he do it or does one of us have to do it… i can’t tell what your saying.

If there is enough maybe we could run two rooms and start one at 9 Eastern next week.

Tuttle Speaks truth.

thats what i thhought

once again i prove my prowess and tried but failed to post an event! go me!

Sorry about the raid last night… Couldn’t give the raid my attention.

I was hoping some of the new guys would show up.

We knocked out a HM Crota in 45 minutes.

Got through the first two parts with just 4 of us.

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Sounds good, hopefully i’ll catch you guys next monday.

Sounds great to me. I still need to complete a VOG raid.