Monday Night Titanfall 12/12

Join @grex on Monday Nights 9pm EST for Titanfall 2 Lobbies. Lets drop titans on each other cause you know that is the only way we are going to get any kills.


I will be on about 8 or so eastern. Played this week-end and did not win one game. There was one guy that could fly around the map, literally he was flying, not jumping. Stayed in the air most of the game and he was not in a Titan.

anyone know if 2xp is still in effect?

I think it ended at 1 eastern today.

Double xp is all over

I will be there tonight. @TitanfallPlayers

I was in the match sniper was talking about. I didn’t actually see the guy flying around… but I know he was moving incredibly fast. At first I thought it was stim but I don’t think so.

I’ll be there tonight. Around 9 or so.

Happy hour starts at 9 eastern. 5 bonus credits!

Hope to be there. If anyone starts earlier send me an invite no matter what else I’m playing at the moment.

Gonna have to miss tonight. Pulled my back yesterday trying to catch a 100lb rottweiler when she tried to jump into my arms. Not smart.

Alcohol and pain killers for me tonight.

Had a particularly good match last night. I’ll be on for a bit tonight, until a little after 10.

Actually forgot about the patriots game tonight… I’m out

Good games last night @TitanfallPlayers. We had almost of full privare lobby last night. About 12. Fun times shooting you fuckers.

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Crap, I couldn’t join, i wasnt getting the invites that were sent out or join from people’s profiles.!AswaiwUkt8PImERm4gUouID8QVj2

A highlight from last night. Dropped in right on his head.

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As soon as my family stopped streaming Bob’s Burgers on FoxNow, my lag improved tremendously. Started having fun about then!

What do you guys run for setups? Grappling hooks? I’ve been using cloak… but I noticed the really beastly people I’ve played against have been using the hook. Seems like the fastest way to get around.

Yeah, the hook is the fastest way around. I don’t use it though. I actually have three classes setup that i flip between a lot, sometimes based on map, sometimes for other reasons. Cloak, Sonar Spike, and Deploy-able shield

I just unlocked the shield. Was using the sonar spike.

I’m a hook-guy. It’s just so fucking fun to zip around the map. Im trying to get a handle on the slide jumping too, I’ve seen guys who can get from one side of angel city to the other in a handful of seconds. I’ve always thought in TF mobility is key.