Monster Hunter World: Iceborne gets three back-to-back events, starting today

Monster Hunter World has seen absolutely insane support since launch, and Capcom isn’t done with its biggest game ever just yet. Starting tomorrow, fans will be able to enjoy three back-to-back special events, which will run all the way until the end of September.

First up is the Holiday Joy Fest, which runs from August 21st to September 3rd. While the paper Poogie lanterns are up, you can earn the rather lovely Oolong armour set and a selection of Lucky Tiger charms. Next, it’ll be the Grand Appreciation Fest (September 4th to 17th), and the cosmic Astral set will be back on the menu, along with a set of Silverwisp charms. Lastly, the Full Bloom Fest will close out the rapid-fire trio, with the Rose set and a bunch of Bouquet charms up for grabs until September 30th. Each of the three events also has its own set of Guild Card parts, Poogie costumes, and room decor available, just for visiting the Gathering Hub once.

As veteran hunters will know, the main draw of these so-called ‘Fests’ is that all previous timed Event Quests are available. These often reward unique gear or otherwise improved rewards, so they’re always worth getting stuck into, and we’ll never have seen so many available for so long before.

Event Quests can also be great news for achievement hunters, since Capcom quite often slips easy ways to unlock some of the more awkward ones into these special missions. The group hunts against all large monsters in an area, for instance, have a higher likelihood of spawning especially large creatures (great for achievements like Giant Crown Master), others present comically undersized versions of monsters, while a few even offer guaranteed appearances from some rare wildlife.

If there’s anything missing from your hunting arsenal, these next few weeks will be the perfect opportunity to fill those gaps. We’ll update in due course if anything particularly tasty pops up during the events. Until then, see you in the Gathering Hub!

I need to fire this up this weekend and get a few things I’m missing. The potential last dev diary is happening on the 28th of this month, revealing the last monsters to be added to the game.

This has been such a tremendously fun game. I hope when/if they announce World 2, it’s just as good if not better.