Monster Hunter: World Mega Thread

Thank you sir.

Just did the “Hunt the Anjanath” Quest with a friend last night. Whew… Took almost the whole 50 minutes to bring that bastard down.

Even though I spend a lot of time prepping, eating the best meal at the canteen, and making sure I’ve got plenty of traps, poison and damage boosting stuff…I still always feel so under prepared when I actually start fighting the monster. I never know if my armor or weapon is high enough. Or overall if I’m “doing it right”.

But I’m having fun. So yeah.

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I caved. Will be picking this up this afternoon.

As I agreed with Digital, mine is downloading now.

I’ll probably pick up next Friday. D2 was such a fail for me.

Good times tonight with @D1G1TALC1PHERS and @Grex Put 5 hours in already and can say game is really fun though the MP part is a little screwy with set up and what you can do.


I will be on this Thursday night and through out most of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I will be more than happy to add everyone on Xbox into the Squad. You can PM me here or on Xbox (YggBjorn) or Discord (YggBjorn) with your gamertags and I will add you to my friends list. Until I can get you added to the Squad any current squad member in a GrimReaperGamers Squad Online Session can send you a game invite to the Squad Online Session so you can get playing with GRG in the mean time.

@BalekFekete posted this in Discord. Valuable info!

I lied 6 hours tonight.

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I will be on around 8:30pm Mountain, 10:30pm Eastern to send invites for the GRG Squad.

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I said that I was going to not purchase this but watching videos and listening to the buzz, I am very tempted.

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If you have fired multiple types of shot…you can reload everything by manually selecting reload and holding the reload button.

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I just read that lower level characters can not play up with higher level characters. How far behind am I going to be if I buy this game and try to play catch up?

They way it works is you can’t play with anyone that hasn’t watched the cut scenes. So basically you go into your mission and once all the cut scenes have been watched then you can invite anyone that has already watched them (so anyone higher than you).

You will not feel like you are behind as far as progression and stuff goes. You will just be limited to when people can join you until you catch up.

All that being said @anon3687162 and myself just got it this week and haven’t played much yet.

Sounds good. Whisker and I are talking about picking it up today but playing with more would be great. I think I will pick it up.

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the only limit is that if you are for example HR 5…you cant go and jump into a HR8 mission…everyone is still able and does play together

AND anyone that has Hunted Legiana…where the hell do you find this thing…I just went the whole mission time and didnt find any tracks

Way up high. In the north esat of the map

Keep going up. The nest is way up high. For some stupid reason the tracks only start showing up when you are close to the nest. Might be a bug.

Take some Nulberries with you. They negate the ice blight you will be inflicted with if you get hit by an ice attack. Nulberries remove all sorts of blight.

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yeah finally found and beat that damn thing…after 3 mission attempts finally glad to have found and beat it