Monster Hunter: World Mega Thread

I have it for ps4! Just got it as well. Let me know if you ever want to play

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I got it for ps4 so if any1 want to teamup just ask :grinning:

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Does GRG have squad in mh:w?

Yes; if on the Xb1 sideā€¦message @Nanookbjorn here or on XB1: YggBjorn. He is the Squad leader.

PS4 sideā€¦i am unsure if anyone has made a GRG squad yet.

Hunting Rathosā€¦anyone give any tips on this dudeā€¦I am thinking i just may need to go up my armor levelsā€¦but everytime i fight himā€¦i get grabbed and tossed for about 20 secā€¦then rarely get a chance to recover.

I donā€™t think anyone has.
Unless @TNTx86 or @TwistedGunsmith did already.

Otherwise, anyone can, just follow the guidelines that D1G mentioned earlier in this thread.

I havenā€™t created a squad, havenā€™t put enough time into the game yet.

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I got a. Decent amount of time but not enough people to make a squad I like the idea though

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i could make a squad but im not grg admin and i believe only squad leader can make invites in to squadsā€¦its kind of reversed guild thing from other games where you look for a guild and make request to join .

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Yeah, youā€™re right, I forgot about the later post from Nanookbjorn who explained that.

For now I think just go ahead and create a squad.
There arenā€™t any GRG staff members who own this on PS4 anyway.
If a GRG staff member buys the game they can always setup a new squad and everyone can move over / join that one too.



I play MHW on the PS4 side so if you catch me on, send an invite my way and Iā€™ll join up in a heartbeat.

I also just got past Pink Anj, couldnā€™t kill it after 30 minutes with a lbg, fainted, grabbed a meal and made it say hello to my Charge Blade, then caught it.

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whats your psn?

Fuck you Diablos. Just. Fuck. YOU! :fu:


if you can use flash pods, they work on himā€¦alsoā€¦you can get him to run into the rock spires and get stuck.

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Has anyone collected that 5 miillion thing yet?

Yes. I have collected the 5 and the 6 million. I donā€™t think you will see it in the list of add-ons and bonuses your housekeeper has. You will collect it during a daily login bonus but they donā€™t announce you are collecting it. You just see more item icons get checked. If you want to check if you have collected it: while at the headquarters, go to your item box, select Sell Items, go to the tab that looks like a sleeping monster aka materials tab, sort that tab and go to the last page of that tab. If you have an egg worth 10,000z you have received the 5 million and probably the 6 million commemorative bonus.

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