Monthly cheesy movie night!

So I thought a fun idea might be to have a monthly movie night where we watch cheesy movies together and maybe play drinking games to them together. It’s something we’ve been doing in my stream and it would be great if you guys want to join in as well. There is a site called where you can make an account, join a lobby, and watch a movie together that the host streams from netflix, hulu, etc. I was thinking of doing this the first Friday of every month. I want to make it a double feature. This Friday I will be streaming starting at 9pm EST until both movies are done. In the spirit of December, the first movie starting at 9 will be “A Christmas Story”. The second movie, starting shortly after that one ends, will be “A Muppets Christmas Carol”. I hope you guys like the idea, if not I can always delete it. My lobby will be hosted at

Originally published at:

@OmniscientShark what are the actual dates for the movies?

First Friday of the month?

2nd December
6th January
3rd February
3rd March
7th April

I bought my mother “A Christmas Story” for last Christmas based on the number of people here who were mentioning it in amongst their favourites/classics to watch each year.

Nice @unobtainaballs. Certainly a classic at my house. Its constantly on during xmas and it always ends up on the tv in the background.
Nice idea @OmniscientShark. I hope to try and make it to a showing.

A Christmas Story is my favorite, easily. TBS runs it for 24 hrs Christmas Eve into Christmas Day, and it’s usually on close to all 24 at my casa (had to throw some Spanish flair in there).

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I was in 6th grade when that was in theaters.

It was filmed at my school.

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To late for me otherwise I would join in.

If the time is too late for people I can always choke it back some, I have no problem with that.

Only me. I am old.

I don’t know if this would be too much Christmas or not, but What is everyone’s opinion on swapping out “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” for “A Muppets Christmas Carol”? If it’s a no go I’ll leave it as is.

Hmmm muppets you say? Sold

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Changed until I get yelled at lol

I suggest Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas bro… but that’s just me.


Just a reminder that this is tonight for everyone who is interested!

This is my favorite holiday show, followed closely by A Christmas Story

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A Christmas Story is starting now!

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Good stuff. Still voting for scrooged though!

This is a great idea! Count me in! Obviously, I missed the first one, but the next one!

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