Montreal Clan War?

First clan war with you guys. If I try to go to bed at 10pm, please shower me with expletives. I’ll gladly take the reins in core modes. I’ve been definitively weak in hardcore, which is not my forte.


My first as well. I’ll be playing this friday night and saturday eve as well. I’m almost exclusively a hardcore player, Kill Confirmed is my mode du jour, but I’m up for playing anything. Probably will be on around 8:30 to 9pm central, got twin boys to get to bed before I can start blasting. Hit me up, GT on X1 is Croesius Lux.

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See you all on the front line. I’m bunkering down for some solid COD time tonight so feel free to shoot me an invite as well if you see me. X1 tag WolfOfTheNorth2

i got a woman’s number whom wants to go out tonight… soooooooo… but ill be on tomorrow for sure.

Well unfortunately on the PS4 side we came in 2nd for this Clan war. But even though we did not win, boy what a battle. We had some big shoes to fill since Alli was frolicking in the magic kingdom(but was supporting us by watching our streams). I can honestly say that a great effort was given and in the end it came down to a race to take a Kill Confirmed node. the 1st place clan got the final win in 2 mins before we could lock it down. We may have lost the battle but not the war. Thanks for all who contributed.

Clan War Montreal:
1st: VTX clan 468 pts
2nd: GRG 454 pts
3rd: Jedi 197 pts

GRG top 10:
Rtuttle86: 98 wins
Dirty33: 97 wins
XxopticxoddsxX: 77 wins
xKasabian: 64 wins
LanceHung: 48 wins
Nola_Saints_Guy: 45 wins
ZombieSwepper:45 wins
DaKlown4Life: 42 wins
Cowboy_Stephen: 41 wins
Jschlieff: 28 wins


i checked the score at work today, scores over 400+ for both teams, thats nuts!!!

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On Xbox we came in first. We completely took the whole map. But that is only cause no other clan participated.

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A wins a win

Felt good! I was only able to rock with y’all on Friday eve, but it felt damn fine rolling six deep and taking all the nodes before anyone else could snag them.

remember, clan wars goes by modes, not maps, so doesnt matter if you are on new or old maps. I’m also picking up BL and BF so my COD days are in the future are limited.

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It was total domination on X1 side.

On side note: finally, finally got my Joker mask yesterday. After over 2 months of trying to get a long range spike drone kill. Hardre Dom, Greenband, enemy taking A, shot drone from top of roof on bar side. The worst part is waiting, just throw it.

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I got mine when j pulled it back. Threw it over and guy and then pulled it back. Was am awesome feeling