I bought a second controller and a charger kit a few days ago . I updated the new controller using a USB connection to the console and all was well for a few days , now when I try to use the new controller , I get a message from the console to re-connect the controller ( even though I have done this several time and this is a standard controller from Xbox ) . Any suggestions on what to do ?
If I un-plug the headset , for any reason , I get no sound and have to manually , turn off the console , un-plug the power brick , reconnect the power brick after a few seconds and then turn console back on . The headset I am using is the " Afterglow " brand ( I know , they are a cheap $ 99.00 priced headset but the sound great and are wireless ) that are made for the Xbox One . What is making this happen ?
If Beers and Leafs sends me a party invite , I can not join him but if I send him one , he can jump in with no problem . What is causing this ?
Thanks for any help .