Nerf Rivals: Nerf for.. Adults??

Came across this on my facebook feed. Nerf is fun but you gotta be so close it gets lame fast… this seems interesting.

And it’s already out!!! Here is a review.

Might be a cool gag gift or something fun to do with your drunk friends, i don’t expect it taking over paintball or airsoft tho…

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Nice, I think I need to get these for the boys.

I’m not sold on these. You can shoot far more darts with the large magazines. This is all a ploy to get you to reinvest and buy new a new ammo type. In the end, they will shoot as far as the other darts, maybe a tad further. I’ll stick to my drum mag or 18 round mag.

apparently people are already modding them to go 80 ft effectively.

I don’t know if I can get down with 5 C batteries. Might as go big with the 4 D Disk launcher one that breaks xmas ornaments.

Sounds like my house. My kids have tons of the Nerf Dart guns. The wife got me some so I wouldn’t go unarmed. We even modded some to shoot farther, kids that that was so cool.

do what do ya think, do the balls go farther?