New Anthem patch

Approx. Download Sizes per platform:

PC: 15.76GB

XB1: 12.15GB

PS4: 11.85 - 12.403 GB (depending on region)


Is this the one where they add back in the player base? :wink:

Really miffed this game flopped at launch as hard as it did - really did enjoy the overall gameplay more so than just about any other game in the genre to date.


ashton kutcher burn GIF

Seriously though, will this bring back players? @AnthemPlayers


Hopefully! I’m with @BalekFekete enjoyed the game so much that everything else is just blah.

I never got much playing time in when it first came out and then heard all the backlash so have just stayed away. Hopefully they turn it around!

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Couple minutes in and a whole bunch of new items to locate in the fort to add to Cortex.

Overall game still has same feel which isn’t a bad thing. I’m still going though the new story missions so no cataclysm for me yet.

They finally fixed the Aunt and Vule stuck on the date conversation!

A hefty list, may have to give it another go finally

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Played some more last night. No bugs that I’ve noticed yet. Haven’t been disconnected or unable to find other players to play with. GM1


Finally ran the actual Cataclysm last night and was getting pretty pissed off/annoyed.

-You go in and no direction is provided, but your expected to go to point to point to point on a timed scored event.
-Few times I got lost and also got locked out of boss room as I got separated from group
-You run the Cataclysm, go to Fort talk to the guy in jail, go back to the Cataclysm and everything is the same, go to Fort talk to the guy in jail, go back to the Cataclysm and everything is the same, go to Fort talk to the guy in jail, go back to the Cataclysm and everything is the same, go to Fort talk to the guy in jail, go back to the Cataclysm and everything is the same, go to Fort talk to the guy in jail, go back to the Cataclysm and everything is the same, go to Fort talk to the guy in jail, go back to the Cataclysm and everything is the same, go to Fort talk to the guy in jail, go back to the Cataclysm and everything is the same, go to Fort talk to the guy in jail, go back to the Cataclysm and everything is the same, go to Fort talk to the guy in jail, go back to the Cataclysm and everything is the same, go to Fort talk to the guy in jail, go back to the Cataclysm and everything is the same…

Loot drops are a lot better, my Colossus is finally Masterwork.

Event is set to expire in about 6 days.