Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is set to receive a free DLC supply drop later this month in the form of new weapons.
The DLC will come first to the Xbox One and will be issued to PC and PS4 gamers at a later date.
The new guns will be added into the game’s arsenal of firearms starting July 21. They are three original weapons and assorted variants, which includes the Blunderbuss shotgun, the STG44 assault rifle, and the SVO sniper rifle.
Despite the fact that the Blunderbuss is a primitive firearm, it’ll perform as well as any modern or futuristic shotgun currently in the game. Likewise, the STG44 and the SVO are both WW2-era weapons, but don’t expect them to be any worse than existing weapons.
Both the STG44 and the SVO come with five variants each, which can only be attained through supply drops or advanced supply drops. The Blunderbuss comes with 10 variants. You’ll need to acquire one of these variants to unlock the base gun in the create-a-class system.
Here’s what they look like.
They’ll be available on Xbox platforms on July 21.