New Guy in Town

What’s up good people. Threepointpapi here, just wanted to introduce myself. I’m affectionately known as just “Papi” when we’re mic’d up so feel free to refer to me as such. Really just joined because i’m looking for a clan to run with regularly on BF1, who takes it as semi-seriously as i do (about as serious as you should take video games)
If you’re big into BF1 on XBOX one, add my GT: Threepointpapi

I will be on today (2/8/17) at about 3 pm.
Don’t be shy. Lets get some conquest popping. I hope this is really an active community.


Hello and welcome. FR sent. I’ll keep an eye out for you on BF1.

Wednesday is community night so there should be a decent sized crowd playing BF1 if you’re available tonight.

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Welcome to the asylum.

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Welcome to GRG!

I’ve added you to the @BattlefieldPlayers group, Our XBox Live Group and my friends list. See you on the battlefield!

Xbox GT - Lala Calamari

Welcome to GRG! Sending a FR your way!

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Welcome aboard.


Welcome to the crew! GT: DuvalFunk

Welcome bud.

Welcome to GRG!

TexasReaperCrew on XB1

Welcome to the family

GT beers and leafs


Welcome to GRG

Welcome to the GRG! GT: johneffinggalt Added you on XB1

Welcome to the clan-
XBOX- MNvikesfan

Welcome to GRG! Glad to have you.