New guy

Hey everyone I’m new to the site thanks for accepting my request, I mostly play on ps4 my psn is SourSmokE89 feel free to add me. I’m just getting back into playing destiny 2 so if you would like to play together let me know sometime!!



Welcome aboard.

We have 2 team leads that play almost every night there is definitely a good group here. @unobtainaballs will get you added and added to clan. PSN side is a tighter group than the other but they are working up to the raid look forward to seeing you around here

Welcome to GRG, Smoke!

Good to see you back on and playing again! I’ll hit you up later on today if you’re on.

I have also added you to our @PlayStationPlayers and @destinyplayers group and I’ll get your clan invite accepted

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Welcome aboard!


What up :v::v::v::v::v::v:

Welcome to the club I’ll send ya a friend request sometime today


I have already welcomed you threw talking to you threw the chat…
But it’s good to have a familiar face back on killing shit n taking names

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Hey Smoke - welcome to GRG!

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